The Missing Chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Miranda Piker.

Long before the Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka movie or the creepy Johnny Depp version, there was the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) [wiki] by famous British author Roald Dahl.

You may be familiar with Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee and of course Charlie Bucket. But are you familiar with Miranda Piker?

That's right: a character that Dahl edited out of the book at the last minute. Here's the missing chapter of Miranda Piker: Link

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Actually, while the writing style and flow of the "new" addition seem incongruous with his writings, the children, by writ of the ticket in the book, were allowed to bring one or two chaparones, and most of the children brought both parents.
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