Bling H2O is the inspiration of Kevin G. Boyd, Hollywood writer-producer. While working on various studio lots where image is of the utmost importance he noticed that you could tell a lot about a person by the bottled water they carried.
In Hollywood it seemed as if people flaunted their bottled water like it was part of their presentation. Whether the bottles had a cool shape or came from an exotic island, none truly made that defining statement. Bling H2O was fashioned to make that defining statement. The mission was to offer a product with an exquisite face to match exquisite taste. The product is strategically positioned to target the expanding super-luxury consumer market. Initially introduced to hand-selected athletes and actors, Bling H2O is now excitedly expanding it’s availability. Bling H2O has been featured at many recent celebrity events including the MTV Video Music Awards and television’s biggest event, The Emmys. Bling H20 is pop-culture in a bottle. But it's not for everyone, just those that Bling.
How much? If you have to ask, you can't afford it. I've always wanted to say that. It's $35 per bottle ... of water!
For those compelled to spend 35 dollars a bottle on BLING h20, please for the love of the world, spend the money instead on a fund to drill wells so that those in the driest and poorest of countries in Africa have clean water to drink and where dysentry is the greatest and most fatal of illnesses of babies. I am bewildered by such a lack of regard for the real and struggling world at the hands of those so willing to waste! Use money as a healer, not as a tool to useless excess at its greatest level.
Bling H2O: Aqua Amore have confirmed that they will be stocking Bling H2O Premium Bottled Water on their new shopping cart website. Bling H2O is available in Crimson, Paris Pink, Cobalt Blue, Gold and Silver.
I bought my bottled of Bling from a company called Aqua Amore. My daughter loved her Christmas Present of a Silver Bling H2O Premium Bottled Water bottle! you think Andrew R and Christopher work for Aqua Amore or Bling?
As for me, $35 for a water bottle? Feh. If I got one as a gift I'd question the sanity of the giver, but use the bottle and refill it with tap water.
Come to think of it, I could go to WalMart, buy a cheap little water bottle and some crystals, and make my own. Whee! And I'll only charge $30 a bottle!
As for me, $35 for a water bottle? Feh. If I got one as a gift I'd question the sanity of the giver, but use the bottle and refill it with tap water.
Come to think of it, I could go to WalMart, buy a cheap little water bottle and some crystals, and make my own. Whee! And I'll only charge $30 a bottle!