Archive for October 9th, 2006

Cockroach as Living Jewelry.

From the website: If you love jewelry and you love insects you're in luck. Local fashion designer Jared Gold has both available at his Black Chandelier store in Trolley Square.Gold sells crystal...

Aphex Twin's Devil Face.

The beauty of the InterWeb is that sometimes you re-discover old things.Back in the old days, people accuse Black Sabbath of sneaking satanic messages into their song (that you can only hear by playing i...

Surgeons (Temporarily) Attach Limb to Crotch.

Spluch found this strange photo where doctors surgically (temporarily) attach a man's torn-off limb to his crotch in order to save it:If you had met Israel Sarrio in March 2004, you may not have wa...

Furniture from Trash.

Another neat list from American Inventor Spot, this time the theme is "trash you can sit on": furniture made from thrown away objects.This one to the left is the Human Nest, made from scrap mat...

Bug Eating Party Game.

From the website:This is by far and away the strangest product I’ve ever had to try. Inspired no doubt by the “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here” bush tucker trials this game does...

Billionaire Dropouts at Pennylicious.

Do you need school to succeed? These billionaires certainly didn't - check out the Billionaire Dropout list at Pennylicious.You may not know him, but Stanley Ho is worth $6.5 billion and has one very int...

Clayton Bailey's Cyclop Skull.

This cute cyclops skull is a ceramic sculpture done by Clayton Bailey. Check out more cool and weird stuff: ceramic sculpture | Clayton's homepage - via Jaf Project...

Wieki Somers' Bathboat.

A very cool bathtub in the shape of a boat, made by Dutch designer Wieki Somers: Link...

Golden Fish.

From Spluch:An aquarium in Guangzhou, China has recently added to its collection a "24K Gold Fish". This rare fish - which amounts to a 5 digit figure - has a glittering body that resembles a gol...

Bollywood Thriller.

The funniest music video you'll see today (if you haven't seen it already! It's making the rounds on the InterWeb - and deservedly so.) It's the new King of Pop! (Not sure if it is Bollywood, though) Hit play...

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