Archive for September 2006

Freudian Slippers.

Did you offend someone with a Freudian slip lately? Surely you would obtain forgiveness if you give them this as a peace offering: Freudian Slippers...

Central Tibet Mandalas.

Asianart has a neat collection of early paintings from Central Tibet, depicting various aspects of Buddhism.This one is a 14th century mandala of Mahavajrabhairava (the Great Diamond-like Ferocious One), a wra...

Japanese War Tuba.

This tuba-like device was actually the Japanese military's acoustic locator - a device with which one can "hear" distant engine noise of oncoming airplanes. Acoustic locators like this (and o...

Japanese Spider-Man.

Apparently, in 1978, Spider-Man went to Japan ...Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | You can also find a neat list of other Japanese Superheroes (Tokusatsu) on YouTube at Positive Ape Index (also via)....

Unusual Taxidermy of Dr. Seuss.

In early 1930s, Dr. Seuss embarked on a strange artistic project - he wanted to explore doing some sculptures. Now this being Dr. Seuss, he didn't want to just do any sculpture, so he did something calle...

Vintage Video Games Ads From 1982.

Flickr user scrubbles has a few scans of vintage home video game ads from 1982. Remember - these were state of the art then! [flickr] - via Kottke...

Robert Bosch's Domino Portraits.

Robert Bosch uses domino patterns to make portraits! This one is of US President Abe Lincoln. See more of his artworks: Link...

Moonset from Space.

The Earth's atmospheric lens distort the image of the moon setting, as seen from the International Space Station orbiting earth. It seems like the moon becomes an impossibly flattened oval! At first the lo...

Record Store Cats.

Hahaha! The famous (and viral) Record Store Cats animations by hnldesign have been set to actual music!See it for yourself: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Record Store Cats animations at b3ta - via Bluemer...

Overnight Star Trails

Astronomer Josch Hambsch took this stunning composite of 11 hours worth of star trails over Namibia by combining 128 consecutive 5-minute long digital exposures!Link [APOD] - Thanks Blurb!...

Scientists Turn Ants Against Each Other with B.O.!

Photo: Alex WildArgentine ants are tiny, but this highly invasive species has nearly wiped out native ants in California (they're highly cooperative and many colonies "merge" together to form a super...

Traffic on River Thames.

Alisdair MacDonald set up his camera on the London Bridge between noon and one o'clock and photographed every vessel that passed in the hour. He then created this composite image to show how busy that the Tham...

Banksy Hits LA (with an Elephant!)

That "guerilla artist" Banksy did it again, this time legally, in a three-day show in Los Angeles:A 37-year old Indian elephant has been painted, from head to tail, in a floral pattern reminiscen...

Donkey Kong, the Board Game.

In 1982, Milton Bradley converted the hugely popular Donkey Kong video game into a board game. Turns out, however, not everything that plays well on screen plays well on paper!X-E has the complete review: Link...

Hate Veggies? The Perfect Excuse Not to Eat Spinach.

Watch out - eating spinach may be dangerous to your health! An E. coli outbreak has been linked to bagged spinach (the triple-washed, cello-packed kind!)The FDA warned people nationwide not to eat th...

Turntable Jewelry.

Got a spare $12,900? You can get Jacob & Co.'s white and black diamonds turntable ring. Perfect for your favorite DJ!,23728,1227634,00.html?o=IssueRef...

Cthulhu Babies.

When Cthulhu was a baby, the squid overlord was just as evil....A cute - in an evil way - fan art by Gala Tokareva: Link - Thanks Stryder!...

Man Bag.

Terry Ng of Kineda wrote to us about this fashion must-have for today's girly modern men: Top 10 Ultimate Metrosexual Man Bags - Thanks Terry!Wasn't there a Friends episode about this?...

Onion Face Paint Project.

A few months ago, Flickr user etravus started a Flickr pool called the Onion Face Paint Project, and invited everyone to paint their own faces on them.And many people obliged! Link [flickr] - Thanks Spluch!...

Retro Baby Carriage.

If you have $2,200, you can buy this 1950's Italian baby carriage "Brevetatto" by Giordani Bambino: - via Cribcandy...

Who is the Reindeer Man?

Apparently, there's nothing better to do in Øvre Eiker, Norway: now six (count 'em - six!) people there have received a polaroid picture of someone in a reindeer suit doing stuff like reading the newspa...

Mental_floss Cover Design Contest: Win Fortune and Fame!

Our pal Mary at mental_floss wrote: We are running a contest over at Worth 1000 to have someone design our upcoming magazine cover on "The Future." The prize is a lot bigger than usual for these...

World's Fattest Raccoon!

From the website: It's probably safe to say that Bandit the pet raccoon didn't climb to the tops of many trees, especially when his weight mushroomed to 75 pounds. Shown here in 1991 with owner Deborah Kli...

Top Secret Warplanes of Area 51.

What good is a secret airbase if you can't speculate on the secret aircraft research that obviously goes on there? A recent Popular Science article sheds light (ok, more speculation) on what goes on in the sup...

World's Most Expensive Watches.

Watch Report blog has a neat list of the world's most expensive watches. This one is Tour de I'lle by Swiss watchmaker Vacheron Constantin, which started making watches in 1755: In 2005 this...

Cooperative Deception: Beetles Trick Male Bees Into Thinking They're a Female Bee.

Leslie Saul-Gershenz and Jocelyn Miller found the world's first example of "cooperative, aggressive mimicry" (basically impersonation by not just one, but a bunch of individuals) among insects: C...

Horror Masks.

David A. Webbs collects horror masks and he's got quite the collection: (warning: lots of images!)...

Thought-Controlled Bionic Arm.

Jesse Sullivan lost both of his arms in an industrial accident, but thanks to modern technology, he now has a thought-controlled bionic arms:The motions are coordinated and smooth because his left ar...

Battlefield Extraction and Retrieval Robot.

Vecna Technologies is developing a robot called BEAR (Battlefield Extraction and Retrieval Robot), designed to:... find, pick up and rescue people in harm's way, the humanoid BEAR robot can do what...

Billions of Bilious Blue Blistering Barnacles: Complete Curses of Captain Haddock.

Hergé [wiki], The author of the popular comic book The Adventures of Tintin [wiki], had a dilemma: as a sailor, the lovable curmudgeon Captain Haddock [wiki] should have a colorful language. But, becaus...


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