Archive for September 2006

Briefcase from Recycled Insecticide Box.

If there is such a thing as over-recycling, then this is it: a briefcase made from recycled insecticide box!Link...

Under Fire: Images from Vietnam.

Piece Unique Gallery has an amazing collection of photographs from the Vietnam War, titled: Under Fire: Images from Vietnam.This particular one was taken by Robert Ellison, titled "Marines running for cov...

Pythagoras Switch by Kids.

These kids must watch the Pythagoras Switch Japanese TV show a lot, so they made a fantastic homemade Rube Goldbergian device inspired by the show.What is this pythagoras switch anyhow?In Japanese pitagora...

Ten Fascinating Facts about Iraq Overlooked by the Media.

Iraq is a big, diverse country at perhaps the most complicated juncture in its history. And while the major media outlet focus on the latest Baghdad bombings and the country's slow crawl toward democracy, it's up t...

Jason Huang's LovePixel.

This gigantic 10,000 by 10,000 pixel art depicting life in a virtual city, called LovePixel, was lovingly (and laboriously) drawn by Jason Huang.Link (warning: huge graphic files) - via Presurfer...

Adam Stennett's Mouse Art.

Adam Stennett is a good painter - heck, he's quite an amazing painter, actually. His paintings have the same photorealistic quality found in Ralph Goings' artwork.The only thing is: Adam paints mouse - yep, th...

Hail of Birds Hit Boat.

From the website:Several hundred black, gull-like shearwaters died after flying into a crabbing boat that steamed through the early morning darkness in Unalaska Bay on Wednesday morning, said Forrest...

Mars Society Seeks Volunteer to Play Martian Exlorers.

The Mars Society is looking for a few good men and women to spend four months in the remote Canadian arctic, just 900 miles from the North Pole, in bulky faux spacesuits!This won't be an extended vac...

Julian Beever's Chalk Art.

Julian Beever is an amazing chalk artist who draws 3-D illusions in city streets. See more of his work at the official website: Link | BBC Article | Julian Beever [wiki] - Thanks Jim Santo!Pre...

Sulphur Shelf Mushroom.

Neatorama reader Spluch wrote: This picture of a type of mushroom called Sulphur Shelf (also known as Laetiporous Sulphureous, chicken of the woods, the chicken mushroom and the chicken fungus) resembles t...

Weird Food: Ten Things That Make You Want to Puke.

The American Inventor Spot has the Top Ten List of Things to Make You Puke. Here comes the champ at no.1:"These large and powerful insects are as adept at swimming as they are at flying. Eaten as a de...

Giant Wasp Nests in Alabama.

Neatorama reader Jeremiah wrote:Giant yellowjacket nests have continued to perplex experts. Some of the nests have up to 70 queens and house over 100,000 yellowjackets. One of the most unusual gigant...

DIY Official Seal.

(Yes, yes - this went around the Intarweb a few weeks ago. We slacked off in posting it promptly!) Make your own official seal: - Thanks Spluch!...

People Posing with Fish.

Too weird to pass up: flickr user atlasman has a photoset of people posing with his fish!Link - Thanks Cody!...

Tar and Feather Trash Bin in Berlin.

Neatorama reader Didier sent us this link and wrote:Someone in Berlin is covering rubbish bins with tar and feather. What did they do, play poker and cheat?Link - Thanks Didier!...

Stingray Killed Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.

While diving in the waters of Port Douglass, north of Cairns, Australia, to shoot a documentary, Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin was killed when a stingray barb pierced through his chest.Link...

The World's Safest (and Cleanest) Kids Park.

Fearful of germs and crime (after a spate of lurid killings of children), Japanese parents can now bring their children to the super-safe and germ-free Fantasy Kids Resort park:Mothers bringing their...

Nariaki Satoh's Sandglass Salt Shaker.

With this sandglass salt shaker, now you can time exactly how long you have to wait for your meal!

Homemade Flight Simulator.

Matthew Sheil designed and constructed this 747-400 simulator in his home! In 1998 I began the design and constuction of my 747-400 simulator.The approximate size of the simulator is 13ft wide x 1...

Kevin van Braak's Caravan.

Kevin's caravan "unfolds" into a luxuriously green lounge pad! - via Linkfilter...

The Human Numbers.

Numbers 0 to 9, all acted out with humans (where's 1? Oh, never mind!)Link - via Unique Daily....

Basketball Player to Make and Endorse $15 Shoes.

From the website: Star-endorsed basketball shoes have long been one of the great rip-offs in footwear. Nike wants $130 for a pair of Zoom Kobe I sneakers and $110 for Zoom LeBron IIIs. You'll pay at...

Two "Lost" Tourists.

Two tourists snuck onto the unguarded set of the TV series Lost: - via Waxy...

LED Balloon Lamp.

How cool is this: an LED balloon lamp, made by Kouichi Okamoto of Kyouei: - via neverhappened...

Josh Keyes Artwork.

Josh Keyes paints fantastically absurd "cross-section" paintings. This one is alled Threadmill. See many more: Link...

San Zhi: Abandoned City in Taiwan.

From the website: The area is called San Zhi. There are no named architects since the whole site was commissioned by the government and several local firms. They were trying to create a posh...

Arrow Mouse.

This cordless optical two-button Mus2 computer mouse looks like the arrow on the screen! From Artemy Lebedev Studio: Link...

Martian Sunset.

Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Texas A&MFrom the website:Spirit acquired this view of the Martian sunset from Gusev Crater on April 23, 2005. Using data from images such as this, scientists have learn...

Peruvian Star Gate?

From the website: A huge mysterious door-like structure has recently been discovered in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru. Hayu Marca, 35 kilometers from the city of Puno has long been revere...

Building a Castle the Medieval Way.

Michel Guyot is building his castle the medieval way:Once upon a time, deep in the forests of Burgundy, a man was haunted by a vision. He dreamed of building a castle, with turrets, great walls and a...


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