Archive for September 2006

World's Tallest Living Thing.

From the website:The Stratosphere Giant, the world's reigning tallest living tree, seems to have lost its title -- to not one but three contenders.Like the 370-foot Giant, the three trees ar...

The Politically Incorrect Alphabet.

From the website:My wife is a teacher of young children, and I've spent a fair time of late sitting on undersized chairs admiring the alphabet charts on classroom walls. Typically 'A' will stand for...


Why use traps or poisons to get rid of those pesky gophers and moles, when you can *explode* them out of their burrows with the Rodenator? The Rodenator Pro™ uses a controlled mixture of propane and...

Travis Hydzik's Matchbox PC Case Mod.

This giant "matchbox" is actually a PC case mod!Link - Thanks Travis! | See also Neatorama's Ultimate Case Mod Page...

Hitler's Secret Jewish Girlfriend.

Nearly 70 years after it was written, Hitler's best friend August Kubizek's book The Young Hitler I Knew was finally published in English in full:... it contains, for the first time, the full story of Hitl...

Kosik, the Talking Elephant.

From the website:Staff at a South Korean amusement park says a 16-year-old male Asian elephant named Kosik can make sounds imitating up to eight Korean words, including "sit," "no,&quo...

Don't Use the Wrong Side of the Soap!

From the website:Those years of washing your face with the same side of the soap that's been responsible for lathering up your behind are over.Our Arse/Face Soap is lightly perfumed and comes in a...

Knitted Princess Leia Hat.

Ansley Davies of BleuArts blog graciously provided the instruction on how to knit your very own Princess Leia bun hat! Hat Bun? Whatever!Link - via Boing Boing...

Oops, US Government Nuked North Carolina.

The scene near Mars Bluff, S.C. after a B-47 bomber accidentally dropped an unarmed nuclear bomb.On January 24, 1961, something not at all funny happened in the skies over Goldsboro, N.C. The wing of a B-52G bomber...

Russian Peasant Multiplication.

Tim Hunkin illustrated this neat little mathematical technique of multiplying numbers between 6 and 10. Give it a try: Link | See also another method at: Dr. Math...

TV Test Cards.

The Internet has got everything, including a website dedicated to television test cards. Wait, what are test cards? In the early days of television, there was a need to test the response of cameras t...

Poodle Chair.

Dutch artists Niels van Eijk and Miriam van der Lubbe made these chairs, aptly titled "Poodle." (don't miss: Soft Stove and M...

Nintendo Controller Alarm Clock.

Wake up to the soothing sounds of Super Mario Bros with this alarm clock shaped like the classic NES controller!Link - via SciFi Tech...

Cooking for 30,000 People.

How do you cook a stew for 30,000 hungry guests? With a backhoe, of course!As the centerpiece of a PR campaign to spur consumption of local agricultural products, the soup was made entirely from lo...

Rocky's Back!

From the website: Forget Apollo Creed and Ivan Drago. Rocky's greatest victory was against the Philadelphia Arts Commission.After months of debate, the commission finally voted in favor of r...

Cat Head Hamlet.

Cat Head Theater presents ... Hamlet, played by cats (specifically, cat heads!) Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Exploding Aadrvark...

Really Old Criminals.

Leave it to The Smoking Gun to compile a list of murderous, criminal, no-good senior citizens: Florida's Felonious Fogeys | Grandpa Needs a Shiv: Fogeys, Part II - via Miss Cellania...

Soap on a Roll.

This handy soap "tape" allows you to take a strip of soap that cleans and dissolves as you wash your hands!Link - via Cribcandy....

Sensorama: Virtual Reality ca. 1962.

In 1962, cinematographer Morton Heilig invented a machine he called the Sensorama, which was:an immersive 3-D virtual reality motorbike ride, in a form factor resembling an arcade game. Heilig saw Sensoram...

The Inner Life of Cells.

Alain Viel and Robert A. Lue of Harvard University created a very neat flash movie clip on the many biochemical processes that go on inside our cells.Very, very, very cool: Link [Flash] | Explanation of the an...

Battle-worn XBox Case Mod.

CyberNet has the top ten list of best Xbox 360 case mods - this one above is the battle-worn xbox. - via GizmodoSee also: Neatorama's...

Chinglish Signs.

Many, many more weird signs at the Chinglish flickr pool - via growabrain....

Why Does V8 Cure Hangovers?

From the website:One of our readers (okay, it was my friend Lisa) noticed a mention of “National Hangover Day” in our new-holiday contest — a day of bleary-eyed and queasy celebrati...

Viagra Spam Mousse.

Here's the recipe for spam mousse shaped like a table of Viagra. Yum! Link - via Cynical-C...

World's Largest Nail Mosaic.

Albanian artist Saimir Strati hammered tens of thousands of nails into a wooden board to create the world's largest nail mosaic, in the image of Leonardo da Vinci."I have lost count of the nails, but I th...

Inmates Hid Cell Phones (and Charger!) Insider Their Body.

Say you're in a maximum security prison, but you really want a cell phone and you want it real bad. What to do? Maybe this: Capt. Juan Ramon Arevalo, director of the prison known as Zacatras, said th...

Chimera: When You're Your Own Twin.

Lydia Fairchild was facing an uphill battle in court to prove that she's the mother to her children. Fairchild was about to lose her children; Social Services accused her of welfare fraud and was about t...

Crikey! Steve Irwin's Death Clogged the Web.

Within hours of the first report that Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray's barb through the heart, traffic surge clobbered Australian news websites: Web measurement company Hitwise said Irwin's dea...

Python Swallowed a Pregnant Ewe Whole.

From the website:This barely recognisable snake bit off more than it could chew when it snacked a pregnant ewe.The six-metre python weighing 90 kg was too laden to move, making it far easi...

Beatboxing Parrot.

Ah, how cute! A beatboxing parrot! Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Miss CellaniaRelated: Lasse Gjertsen's Hyperactive - how beatboxing should be done....


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