Archive for September 24th, 2006

The Shinjuku Eye.

Stuff on Fire blog found this gem of an artwork called the Shinjuku Eye (1969), a public work by Japanese artist Yoshiko Miyashita, installed in the Shinjuku train station.

Ugliest Corvette Ever.

From the website:This is -- used to be -- a 1985 Corvette. The owner, who calls himself "Buckeye", says: "Women love this car. Every time I stop for gas, women come up to me. I could have as...

Maybe Try a Different Keyword?

Must be that darned Google sandbox [wiki] ... Link [flickr] - via Random Citations...

Stone Balls of Costa Rica.

In the 1930s, United Fruit Company workers who were clearing land in the Diquis Valley in Costa Rica unearthed these gigantic man-made stone spheres, the largest of which was over 2 meters in diameter and weig...

Periodic Table of Google Images.

Accordion Guy blog made a periodic table using the first image found by Google for the name of the element. If you look closely, you'll see some weirdness like neon, krypton, platinum and xenon.http://accordio...


Not to be outdone by the wienermobile [wiki] and the popemobile [wiki], Hormel now has the spammobile: - via Unique Daily...

Douglas Fisher's Photography.

This one is from his set called "East Meets West". See more of Douglas' amazing photos: Link (don't miss the Behind The Scenes section, where he took you from start to finish) - via Ursi's Blog...

Pencil Furniture.

What do fakirs sit on, after a hard night lying on nail beds? This of course: Pencil Furniture...

Atomium: Belgian Hotel for Kids.

That strange building is the Atomium, a replica of an iron molecule with nine aluminum sphere built for the 1958 World Fair in Belgium. Now, it's been renovated as a hotel for kids!

Best Own Soccer Goal Ever!

Watch English footballer (soccer player to us Yanks) Chris Brass his own goal, ah the ribbing he must had since then: hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Look At This ......

Sistine Chapel Graffiti.

Graffiti artist Paco Rosic is bringing the famous Sistine Chapel ceiling to Waterloo, Iowa: Lying on industrial scaffolding, his legs dangling high above the ground, graffiti artist Paco Rosic reaches for...

Wake Me Up At ... Stickers.

Do you always miss your stop because you fall asleep on the Tube in London? Get these "wake me up" stickers and rely on the kindness of strangers to get you home: Link - via Presurfer...

Lamborghini on Teacups.

Outside of the posh store William Ashley in downtown Toronto is this weird display of the strength of teacups:This odd display is set up outside the William Ashley store in downtown Toronto to prom...

The Top Secret Tickle Me Elmo.

I've never seen this: the top secret TMX Elmo, released ten years after the original Tickle Me Elmo - the hottest toy of 1996 (actually, probably the hottest toy ever! I remember that this must-have t...

Fake Animals Help Soldiers Identify IEDs.

Photo: Seth RobsonFrom the website:The animals lying on the floor of a building at Camp Aachen on Wednesday were clearly not alive. A dog’s stomach had been slit open, bones stuck out of the chest of...

Scientists: "Mini Bangs" Dangerous? Nah!

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider, a 27-km long circular particle accelerator at CERN near Geneva, are excited:"These beams will have the kinetic energy of an aircraft carrier slammed into...

World's Smallest Fast Food.

Craftster's user hercuteness made the world's smallest burger and fries, and then ate it:Our official entry is the burger, though the burger and fries together are still less than two inches. Here are some...

Little Superstar.

Check out this dancing kid little person! Bollywood Kollywood (turns out it's Tamil, not still Indian) cracks me up: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Stuff on Fire.Update 9/29/06: Neatorama reader Arun M...

Giant Hairbrush.

If you really want a giant hairbrush, sixixis can make it for you for about £800: Link - via J-WalkPreviously on Neatorama, also from the same people: CityScape Coat Hangers...

Fake Sky.

From the Sky Factory website:SkyCeilings are photographic illusions of real skies that fit into standard ceiling grid systems. Luminous SkyCeilings feature fluorescent or LED lighting that illuminate the t...

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