Archive for September 23rd, 2006

First Woman Space Tourist Blogs!

Anousheh Ansari, the founder of the X Prize and the fourth space tourist to the International Space Station, now has a blog:It is about 11:30 GMT here on ISS. It looks like my first entry from space...

Medical Mystery: Girl Emits Glass from Forehead.

Doctors are baffled by the strange case of Sarita Bista, a 12 year-old Nepalese girl who has been emitting transparent solid objects (like glass pieces) from her forehead:According to family sources,...

Police Caught Naked Man Chasing Horse in a Field.

Only in Texarkana, Arkansas: Police received a call about a man who had entered a family's home illegally. According to the Smith family, the man walked into their home and headed to the bedro...

Dikka Girl: World's Oldest Human-Like Child Fossil.

Anthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged of the Max Planck Institue and colleagues discovered a near-complete fossilized remain of a 3.3 million yea old human-like child, named the Dikka girl:The find cons...

Sodaconstructor Kinetic Model.

Sodaconstructor has been around the Internet for a long time, but it's nice to see it again. What is it?It's a java-based kinetic model that you can play with by changing parameters like the str...

Steam-Powered Bicycles.

MAKE: Blog has a fantastic review of steam-powered bicycles. This one above is a 1896 Geneva steam bicycle:This authentically restored bicycle, manufactured by the Geneva Bicycle and Steam Carriage Co. in...

The Weirdest of London Fashion Week.

If you're into haute couture, then you already know that London Fashion Week had just happened. What I respect about fashion designers is their ability to have beautiful women dress up in fantastic, cutting ed...

Super Mario Bros Ads Imitate College Talent Show?

This ad for Nintendo DS Super Mario Bros seems so similar to the live action Super Mario at Gordon College talent night: via 30gmsRelated: Matrix Ping Pong | Karate Matrix...

The Bacon Tomb Experiment.

Neatorama reader Carl Huber wrote to us about his "experiment" in aging bacon, in a bacon tomb. You read that right: bacon tomb.See what happened: Link - Thanks Carl!...

Funny Retro Magnets. has a huge collection of witty retro humor magnets for about $4:

The News from Saturn.

The Cassini spacecraft discovered a new ring circling Saturn (marked with the plus sign):It appears to be composed of material blasted off the surface of two saturnian moons by meteoroid impacts.While it's...

Fur, er ... Fir Coat.

Photo: Andrea ComasFrom the website:Designer Francis Montesinos kisses a model displaying one of his outfits during the Spring/Summer 2006-07 Pasarela Cibeles fashion show in Madrid September 18, 2006.*/em...

Meet Pro-Life, He's Running for Governor.

Marvin Richardson, a strawberry farmer, is running for governor of Idaho and he's got the perfect gimmick: Thus, Marvin Richardson, an Emmett strawberry farmer, has legally changed his middle name to...

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