Archive for September 18th, 2006

Tissue Box Message Saved Ladies Trapped in Car.

Trapped in their car when the vehicle's battery died and the automatic locks failed, two elderly women were saved when a mall security guard noticed their "call 911, help" note written on a tis...

The Black Ship Scroll.

The Black Ship Scroll is a 30-foot long scroll painted in Japan to mark the opening of Japan by Commodore Matthew Perry [wiki]The picture on the right is the "true portrait of Perry ...envoy o...

Dick Detzner's Artwork.

Detzner's irreverent artwork, in a series called "Corporate Sacrilege" uses familiar corporate figures in a sacrilegously tongue-in-cheek manner. See more here: Link...

Building the Olympics At All Cost.

From the website:Toiling through stifling summer heat in flimsy plimsolls, ragged clothes and hard hats, Beijing's construction workers struggle round the clock to build a city worthy of the 2008 Olympic G...

Kings of Africa.

From the website: It took Daniel Lainé, three years 1988 - 1991) of effort and intense diplomatic steps to realize this fantastic work. During this period, he was able to photograph 70 sovereigns,...

Structure of the Web: Hubs and Authorities.

Jon Kleinberg of Cornell University characterized the Web in terms of hubs and authorities (and in terms of density of links among pages) in order to define the structure of the Internet:According to Klein...

Toy Rock Made From Felt.

Forget fancy toys, your kids just want to play with rocks. At least now you can buy them a set of safe, hygienic rocks made from felt!Link...

Pimp My $3 Plastic Chair.

How do you dress up that ubiquitous $3 white plastic chair? With a leather seat cover, of course! Link - via MoCo Loco...

Man Impersonates Terra Cotta Soldier So Well Guards Can't Find Him!

This is odd. Very odd - A german student made a dusty brown suit of armor, a tunic and a helmet, and jumped into an open pit to join the famous terra cotta army in Xian, China: The 26-year-old man _ identi...

The Villain Chair

So maybe you can't quite afford the secret volcano lair on a remote island, but you can still buy this Villain Chair by SUCK UK. Oh, wait a minute - it's £3600! Villainy had better pay if you wanted to afford...

Vintage Supermarket Photos.

The Imaginary World has a collection of photos of people shopping in a supermarket of yore: LinkOne of the photo showed: Food-o-Mat, maybe that's where Futurama got it from!...

Drawing While on LSD.

From the website:These 9 drawings were done by an artist under the influence of LSD -- part of a test conducted by the US government during it's dalliance with psychotomimetic drugs in the late 1950'...

Parents Feed Kids Lunch Through Fence at School.

Students at the Rawmarsh Comprehensive school in South Yorkshire, UK, are not allowed out of the school yard at lunchtime, so parents have been taking their order for junk food through a fence!Julie...

Making Paper the Traditional Chinese Way.

From the website: Along with gunpowder, clocks, and noodles, the Chinese are said to have invented paper. As is the case with many similar generalizations, a great deal of truth actually stands behind that...

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