IQ Test: Get Everyone Across the River.

This one is from sometime last year, I think, but it's still fun: the goal of the game is to transport everyone across the river. The rules are:

  1. The father cannot be left alone with any daughter (without the mother present).
  2. The mother cannot be left alone with any son (without the father present).
  3. The thief cannot be left alone with any family member (without the cop present).
  4. Only the father, mother, and cop can operate the boat.

Sounds simple? Fair enough - let's see if you can beat the IQ game: [Flash] - press the round blue button to start.

Here are the raft occupants on each trip:
Cop & Thief,
Cop & Son #1,
Cop & Thief,
Dad & Son #2,
Dad & Mom,
Cop & Thief,
Dad & Mom,
Mom & Daughter #1,
Cop & Thief,
Cop & Daughter #2,
Cop & Thief.

Party Time!!
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If you try to leave the mother alone with the sons it shows a graphic of her HITTING the son, I never tried to leave the father with the daughter, but it was fun in a disturbing kind of way. And the fact that the cop can leave the thief alone on the shore is amusing.
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