Kirlian Photography.


In 1939, Armenian photographer Semyon Kirlian accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate was subjected to a strong electric field, an image was created on the plate.

Kirlian then claimed that his method proved the existence of a metaphysical energy, life force, or supernatural auras that all living beings have. This was all curiously interesting, until people showed that even inanimate objects like this coin above give off the Kirlian halo.

Queen's Head Kirlian Photo, taken by flickr user riccardomuccio: link [flickr] | Kirlian Photography [wiki] | DIY Kirlian Photos Tutorial

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A good number of people believe that inanimate objects can be infused with spiritual energies. The Earth itself is said to carry spiritual energy along ley lines.
Numerous religous and spiritual practices involve 'charging' objects deliberately with positive (or negative) energies, almost any religious icon or good luck charm or symbol could be said to carry these charges.
So the fact that inanimate objects have a kirlian aura doesn't necessarily preclude the idea that it is spiritual energy that is being revealed.
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just heads up on kirlian photography, the reason some people believe it shows auras or life force is that (allegedly) if you tear part of a leaf off and then take a kirlian photo the phograph will show a ghostly outline of the missing part of the leaf. Don''t know how true this is in reality but i've seen some photographs that appear to show this.

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