If you think you owe a lot of money to the credit card company (or bank), take a look at our national debt - published everyday to the penny by the Bureau of Public Debt. Since President Bush took office in 2001, our national debt has grown by about 2.7 trillion dollars! Link - via Pennylicious |
I'm trying to introduce more people to Pennylicious by putting some posts on Neatorama's front page. :)
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I was positively surprised when you expanded with pennylicious, and therefore i am reading both blogs at a daily basis. But why do the same posts appear in both blogs?
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Understandable enough. Keep up the good work! ^^
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Bush gives us all kind of rhetoric about cutting the deficit in half by 2009 but, the sad truth is that he has created a disaster, that if not properly adressed has the potential of destorying our economy.
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