Photorealistic Vector Art.

From the website:

If I didn't know it already, I wouldn't discern that the gallery below is made up of drawings. Yes! They are NOT photographs. Vector drawings using gradient mesh to be specific. Except for Bert Monroy, all of the vector art displayed here are 100% made from Adobe Illustrator.

These are very talented graphic artists, that's for sure! Link (some images NFSW) - Thanks Jim Perry!

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I was looking at those pictures on Gizmodo yesterday and noticed something: they're just photo-reproductions of pictures. While it takes a good amount of skil to do that level of vector art, at the same time it's not that hard to just reproduce a picture directly (even in vector). There's even tools to help you mirror them to a good degree as well.

A lil' bit of background: I've got an art degree in animation and graphic design. I won't deny they're impressive, but recreating what already existed in real life... it takes a bit of magic away.
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