Archive for August 9th, 2006

Trendy Kids Bookstore in China.

The Cool Hunter has some neat photos of a whimsically designed bookstore for kids in Beijing, China called Kids Republic:No longer just the world’s ‘workroom’, China is rapidly becoming a...

Vintage Baseball Cards.

The Library of Congress has one massive collection of nearly 2,100 vintage baseball cards dating from 1887 to 1914. This one above is of Ty Cobb stealing third base from Hugh Jennings for Detroit.This coll...

New Uses for Old Mac.

What to do with that ancient, ... er, vintage Apple Macintosh computer? Mac Udder Side Park has 67 suggestions ...

Dog Nurses Squirrel Back to Health.

From the website: Finnegan the squirrel was found injured and malnourished in the Seattle area in September 2005, when he was only a few days old. He was brought to Debby Cantlon, who had a reputation for...

Photorealistic Vector Art.

From the website:If I didn't know it already, I wouldn't discern that the gallery below is made up of drawings. Yes! They are NOT photographs. Vector drawings using gradient mesh to be specific. Except for...

Star Trek Inspirational Posters.

Awesomely funny Star Trek inspirational posters (downloadable for wallpaper, too!): - via Presurfer...

Backwards PC Case Mod.

Mike Harrison got tired of having to grope the back of his PC plugging and unplugging things all the time, so he made a backwards PC case mod!I'm sure there must be plenty of tecchie types out there...

TroikArt's SMS Guerilla Projector.

From the website:The SMS Guerilla Projector is a home made, fully functioning device that enables the user to project text based SMS messages in public spaces, in streets, onto people, inside cinemas, shops, h...

Photoshopping a Haunted House.

Sebastien Gaucher has cool tutorials on matte painting or digital manipulation of images using Photoshop, with step-by-step instructions on how to change a cheerful, suburban home into a haunted house,...

Giant Panda Cub.

A giant panda in China gave birth to a baby panda cub - the largest one ever born in captivity!The cub weighed just 218 grams (half a pound), but was still the heaviest panda ever born in captivity,...

Anger Release Bar.

If you think your job sucks, imagine working for this bar in China:A new bar in eastern China is offering customers an unusual outlet for anger - by allowing them to use the staff as punching bags, state m...

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