Keyboard Food Tray.

Duck Young Kong designed this prototype keyboard food tray for those of us who work and eat at the same time:

Home workers spend a lot of time at their worktables. They even eat their meals in front of the computer to keep doing their work. However, there is not enough space on the desk for their food because of other many office supplies. This food tray is fitted onto any keyboards which occupy a lot of space on the desk, so user can eat their food during working without any interruptions of their work.


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"They even eat their meals in front of the computer to keep doing their work" ... what has the world come to? just shoot me in the face now.
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Brilliant idea...right up intill you stop paying attention when reaching for some food or drink and catch the bottom of the tray with your hand...SPILLAGE.
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How am I supposed to get the crumbs UNDER the keys with somebody like this? Pfffht. This totally defeats the purpose of having a keyboard if you can't get snacks stuck inside of it.
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