Archive for July 3rd, 2006

Ann de Gersem's Chocolate Teapot Hat.

Ann de Gersem, the person who brought us the privacy skirt, er ... "life dress", also made this teapot hat out of chocolate:A pink chocolate teapot hat? Pistachio green chocolate teacups...

Ruud van Empel's Photograph.

There's something weird in this series of photograph called "World" by Dutch photographer Ruud van Empel. Oh yeah, it shows creepy children in the woods and ponds!

Pirate Squirrel Poem.

PIRATE SKWERLby skwerly scouts clubO pirate skwerl, o pirate skwerl,Trying to take the great black pearl.Musket fire all around,dead skwerls on the ground.The pirate skwerls will fight for rum, rum, the lovely...

Jo Lawrence's Artwork.

Jo Lawrence playfully placed photos of old Hollywood stars on these household cleaning brushes. (Is that Rita Hayworth in the center?)

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