Duo, the two-nosed dog Staffordshire bull terrier, is homeless and can't find a home:
A dog that appears to have two noses because of a condition similar to a harelip in humans is looking for a new home. Duo, a three-year-old Staffordshire bull terrier, was handed in to a dog and cat shelter in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Staff at the centre are having problems finding a home for the well-trained dog because people who have seen him rejected him as a “freak”.
Awwwww, he is gorgeous! All you people out there that think he is a freak, he isnt. I live in the UK just like he does and if it wasnt for the fact I am under 13 and we already have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier Cross, I would beg my mum and dad to let me have him. Just because he cant speak, it doesnt mean he doesnt have feelings and he may look different, but thats not what matters, and John, I use Photoshop myself and that image could not have been edited on such programme. For a start its two different sides of a normal dog nose not the full nose duplicated so unless you can prove it, you are not as clever as you think you are. 'amateur photoshoppery' mr @rse. What planet are you on?
Person 2: How does he smell?
Person 1: Awful.
I will pray that he is safe and loved by someone.
Hole in the Wall Rescue