Yes - that's right, a single serving of pork brain in milk gravy has 3,500 mg of cholesterol or 1,170% of the daily recommended intake! Found at Jeff Kay's West Virginia Surf Report. |
Yes - that's right, a single serving of pork brain in milk gravy has 3,500 mg of cholesterol or 1,170% of the daily recommended intake! Found at Jeff Kay's West Virginia Surf Report. |
That's what bears eat to fatten up for the winter.
Mad cow for humans. Enjoy your brains in milk gravy.
You know what would make those pig brains perfect? A nice lump of slowly-melting butter right on top. Mm!
He couldn't understand how I could eat sushi.
It's pretty difficult to get brains these days with all the madcow stuff circulating.
The reason that I found this discussion is because I was googling the product. I have returned home to Tennessee on a business trip and wanted my 86 year old mother to cook some for breakfast. Unfortunately, I can't find a grocery store that carries pork brains anymore!
I know the H.G. Hills stores in Nashville carry them still but have not seen them anywhere else.
Good Luck with finding your BRAINS......I know we have brains in TN..........:)
If you eat this crap or the stupid southern diet that includes these refuse parts-
you deserve everything you get..
I bought a can on an off weekend and she saw it while foraging for goodies when she was 13.
She "told" me to get rid of it, so I popped it open and put the pink, mealy looking gack into the cat's food dish.
The cat, of course, immediately began noshing on the unlooked for feast.
Jen pleaded with the kitty to stop eating brains, but Midnight would have none of that nonsense.
I had to giggle and say: "Your kitty eats brains...Braaaaiiins Meow."
She looked horrified for a second and then realized I was being silly and that cans of brains were legal and had to laugh.
My mom and brother would always just watch us in disgust. What can I say? I liked it!
Now adding milk gravy to it? Ewwwww!
P.S., Long Live the South, and would all of U yanks that hate the south so bad, stop moving here!!!!!!!
How about the medical facts that such a level of cholesterol is unhealthy - you might want to refer to the list of states leading the obesity epidemic. Or how about the fact that brains are often a respository for animal contaminants? And what the hell is the "blood-brain" barrier? Do you believe there's no blood in your brain?
If you like 'em, you like 'em. There are regional foods all over the place and in moderation all can be (ugh) eaten. I can be sure it has nothing to do with your 1) culture (North/South be damned), 2) your politics (uh, how did Obama get here? George Bush anyone?), or 3) where you choose to live (you think northerners are moving southward?)
Try eating a can of Polite in Don't-Look-Stupid gravy.