Damian Renzello loved his backyard ice rink, but wanted smoother ice that so far has only been found in indoor rinks. So he build his own zamboni:
He has mounted a snow blower on the front of a four-wheel all-terrain vehicle, added an ice scraper blade underneath and mounted a water tank connected to pipes and hoses that lays down a film of water to create a glass-like finish to outdoor ice.
Called the Bambini Revolution, the machine will sell for about $30,000 to outdoor ice skating enthusiasts.
Here it is Mike the link to the sex registry , You might wanna reconsider your slanderas comments that have gotten you into trouble time and time again NUTJOB
If you would like i can also post the links pertaining to all of your legal troubles, or comments your classmates make about u at Norwich about what a little bitch you are:)
Hey Rex Thanks for your words of wisdom and more importantly the Truth ... wholly smokes !!! ... this is one comment you made, one truthful comment that you made and then woooof ... you know and I know and everybody else knows, who knows Mike Nelson! yeah there may be 75,000 Mike Nelsons BUT there is only one - Mike Nelson from Montpelier, VT, attended Norwich University and was infact banned from school! that is public knowledge! that is a good excuse to use when people acknowledge "YOU" "Oh theres 75,000 mike nelsons out there, thats not me" we all know who we are talking about ... Rex Thanks but, I am Sorry to say I think you've just met Mike Nelson again, tell your wife ... I said I am sorry that "he's back" ... all these comments about me found on line ... can you imagine what I have had to deal with, for what 7 going on 8 years now of this guys nonsense!!!
LOL ... Superior Court Rex? Please by definition Superior Court is a CIVIL COURT, NOT a criminal Court, so Of Course the PEDOPHILE and CRIMINAL Damian Renzello would not be found in the CIVIL Court only a CRIMINAL and Pedophile CHILD Molester like Damian Renzello would be found in a criminal court! BTW your too funny a name like Mike Nelson, common seriously is that the most common name you can find? what a joke according to the government there are MORE THAN 86,740 people with the name Mike Nelson ... LOL come on now do you just make up these names?
Your wife must be a real nut job herself! LOL if your wife really worked at a court then her PENSION would be in jeapordy for simply talking about information from the court! LOL ... Too funny FOIA requests and all sorts of things will be flying in light of your comments and your wife's FREEDOM as well as PENSION will be in jeapordy or at least you will have many hundreds of thousands in legal bills as people investigate if EMPLOYEES of the Washington County Superior Court in Vermont (a Civil Court) are illegally and unethically in violation of State and Federal Law speaking about things which happen in the COURT??
Your wife is SCREWED with her pension and you with your big mouth the Federal and State Laws to investigate your statements are wide spread and sweeping. The criminal penalties which can be enacted against your wife as well as losses to pensions and other benefits are serious.
Your too funny you must be hard up, I guess your not getting your regularl fix from your butt buddy.... LOL
Not sure who you are talking bout but you are definatly lying through your teeth, I know this guy personally and my wife used to work at the Superior court in Montpelier, he is definatly not a pedophile and does not have a record. As far as him buying another product, that is a lie to, ive watched him manufacture these products, but you sure do sound like that crazy ass Mike Nelson my wife used to tell me about like you being banned from the courthouse cause your a NUTCASE. Face it dude move on find someone else to stalk it takes like 2 secs online to find out your lying. P.S. I love the fake press releases that you do!
Damian J. Renzello is a scam artist! He slaps together other peoples products and marks them up 10,000 percent and sells them to people who do not know better.
Renzello buys his rinks from another company and then markets them as the generic name porta rinx. You will see other porta rinx all over the internet. Renzello has been at this whole thing of using confusing names for products and using generic commonly referred to names as the name for his products for years. After all the VERMONT ATTORNEY GENERAL charged Renzello with CONSUMER FRAUD and won a judgement against Renzello, he RENZELLO is a CONVICTED FELON.
Renzello has Felonies for DRUGS, ASSAULT, THEFT, CONSUMER FRAUD, FRAUD, BANK FRAUD, and most serious LEWD CONDUCT with a MINOR!
Renzello is wanted in connection with dozens of molestations of little boys with his lover a a Transexual, a guy who dresses up as a woman and has breasts! YUCK! What a sicko and wacko Renzello is...
Don't give this slimey scam artist, FELON, Molester, WEIRDO your money!
Becareful of Damian J. Renzello, this is a Web Warning!
Comments (5)
If you would like i can also post the links pertaining to all of your legal troubles, or comments your classmates make about u at Norwich about what a little bitch you are:)
Your wife must be a real nut job herself! LOL if your wife really worked at a court then her PENSION would be in jeapordy for simply talking about information from the court! LOL ... Too funny FOIA requests and all sorts of things will be flying in light of your comments and your wife's FREEDOM as well as PENSION will be in jeapordy or at least you will have many hundreds of thousands in legal bills as people investigate if EMPLOYEES of the Washington County Superior Court in Vermont (a Civil Court) are illegally and unethically in violation of State and Federal Law speaking about things which happen in the COURT??
Your wife is SCREWED with her pension and you with your big mouth the Federal and State Laws to investigate your statements are wide spread and sweeping. The criminal penalties which can be enacted against your wife as well as losses to pensions and other benefits are serious.
Your too funny you must be hard up, I guess your not getting your regularl fix from your butt buddy.... LOL
Renzello buys his rinks from another company and then markets them as the generic name porta rinx. You will see other porta rinx all over the internet. Renzello has been at this whole thing of using confusing names for products and using generic commonly referred to names as the name for his products for years. After all the VERMONT ATTORNEY GENERAL charged Renzello with CONSUMER FRAUD and won a judgement against Renzello, he RENZELLO is a CONVICTED FELON.
Renzello has Felonies for DRUGS, ASSAULT, THEFT, CONSUMER FRAUD, FRAUD, BANK FRAUD, and most serious LEWD CONDUCT with a MINOR!
Renzello is wanted in connection with dozens of molestations of little boys with his lover a a Transexual, a guy who dresses up as a woman and has breasts! YUCK! What a sicko and wacko Renzello is...
Don't give this slimey scam artist, FELON, Molester, WEIRDO your money!
Becareful of Damian J. Renzello, this is a Web Warning!