Archive for June 23rd, 2006

Tank Chair.

I've got just one word: AWESOME!How the Tankchair was builtIt took me 2 years and I tried everything I could think of. Pneumatic tires, bigger wheels, stronger motors, and my favorite, a hellish j...

Pea-Sized Shell: World's Oldest Jewelry?

An international research team has discovered three shell beads that are between 90,000 and 100,000 years old and suspect that they're ancient jewelry.Two of the ancient beads come from Skhul Cave on...

A Morbid Ceiling Art.

Photoshoppery? Anyhow, very interesting and morbid idea... Found at Across-the-Board....

Black Sun: Millions of Birds Block Out the Sun.

From the website:During spring in Denmark, at approximately one half an hour before sunset, flocks of more than a million European starlings (sturnus vulgaris) gather from all corners to join in the incred...

Gas Powered Blender.

So, you're out in the boonies and you're jonesin' for some nice cold, blended margarita. What to do, what to do? Just pull out the gas-powered blender and you're good to go!The maker phinch wrote: You'll n...

Driv-e-mocion: the High Tech Thank You Wave (Or Not).

This ingenious device "helps you improve communication with other drivers and express yourself" said the maker. This means you can say thanks to the driver who let you into his lane, or flip...

Homeless Blogging.

From the website: Happy Ivy doesn't have a bathroom or a kitchen in the bus he calls home. He does, however, have a video-editing station.Living in a squalid, Woodstock-style bus p...

Where the Heck is Matt?

Matt Harding got the travel bug - and boy, did he travel. And danced. Badly. Well, anyhow, we think it's some form of dancing ...In February of 2003, [Matt]quit his job in Brisbane, Australia and used the...

The Reverse Goldilocks Story.

It's like the nursery rhyme Goldilocks, but in reverse: a woman in West Vancouver came home to find a bear eating oatmeal in her kitchen!"It appeared to be a one to two-year-old bear - a juvenil...

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