Archive for June 18th, 2006

Lighthouse Swallowed by Sand.

In 1899, the Danes set out to build the Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse [wiki] on the North Sea shores in Jutland, Denmark. The lighthouse was built on top of a cliff and towers about 66 yards above sea level. Light...

Cybermen Are Making a Comeback.

Cybermen [wiki], the enemies of Doctor Who, are making a comeback (and a makeover, apparently!):Producer, Phil Collinson says: "The villainous Cybermen are as much a part of Doctor Who heritage...

Spaghetti Ice Cream.

No, there's no spaghetti in spaghetti ice cream, it just looks like that.Spaghetti Ice Cream is a fun look-a-like that you, your friends and family will love to make and eat. There is no spaghetti in...

Camouflaged Outdoor Urinal in World War I.

This photo is interesting in many ways: It's a photo taken of a soldier peeing outdoors (most likely without his knowledge)It's a *color* photo taken in World War I (French army's HQ)The urinal is painted in c...

Nyein Chan Su's Energy of Lightness.

For this installation art, Burmese artist Nyein Chan Su wrote:A heavy, solid, spiny and dangerous object hangs over the fragile balloons below. When the rope is released, the object will fall and c...

Fish Girl Optical Illusion.

Is it a fish or a girl? Tilt your head to the left: the word even changes from "Fish" to "Girl".Link - via Starspirit...

Joan Fontcuberta's Miracle of Cephalopodization.

From the website: The cephalopods, formless, tentacled animals, are a significant incarnation of the monsters that tend to symbolize the spirits of the infernal regions. Their ink represents darkness. But...

Watch Out for Sitting Hippos.

I hope this is just a clever photoshop job ... Found at Bits & Pieces....

Shumidor Gets Rid of Shoe Odors.

Michael Kurtzer designed an "ionic" shoe deodorizer that keep your shoes dry and clean, thus preventing odor-causing bacteria from growing - he called it the Shumidor. We like the name!Link -...

Wesley Fleming's Glass Insects.

Glass sculptor Wesley Fleming made very life-like insects from glass. This one above is a Hercules Beetle.Link: Wesley's Gallery...

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