Nano Paper.

Z. Ryan Tian and colleagues at the University of Arkansas have developed long nanowires that can be folded into 3D nanostructures like cups, bowls, and tubes:

"Humans have used paper made from natural fibers for thousands of years," said Z. Ryan Tian. "With this technology, we are entering a new era."

Tian and his team used a hydrothermal heating process to create long nanowires out of titanium dioxide and from there created free-standing membranes. The resulting material is white in color and resembles regular paper.

Further, the material can be cast into different three-dimensional shapes, with different functions. The researchers have created tubes, bowls and cups using this process. These three-dimensional hollow objects can be manipulated by hand and trimmed with scissors, the researchers report.

Link - via Ron Piquepaille's Technology Trends

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