Archive for June 14th, 2006

Frank Zappa Café.

This cafe in Budapest, Hungary, is dedicated to Frank Zappa and has giant murals of him inside ...Link - via grow-a-brain...

Frog Egg Hatch Early to Escape Snake Attack.

Frog Embryos Hatch Early to Escape Predator. In this amazing strategy for survival, frog embryos will hatch early to escape from an egg-eating snake by recognizing the vibrational cues of such attacks!Re...

Martian Bunny Ears?

While we're on the subject of weird things found in Mars, how about this photo of a ... bunny on the red planet?Like a rabbit in a hat, the identity of an oddity that looks like "bunny ears" in a...

Crepuscular Rays.

This photo, taken by Wolfgang Hinz in Lukla, Nepal, shows these stunning crepuscular rays or sun rays [wiki]. (Jacob's ladder, or rays of light shining through holes in low clouds, are a form of crepus...

Rube Goldberg Meets the Flintstones!

A fantastic Rube Goldberg contraption made from stick and stones by Jesse Ferguson, Nate True, Bre Pettis, Andru Edwards and Jake Ludington.Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Make Blog...

Giant Wall of Dust in Arizona Valley.

Last week, a giant wall of dust rolled across the Arizona Valley:The wall of dust, which stretched from Apache Junction to Avondale, preceded a storm that dropped a quarter-inch of much needed rain in Tu...

Life in North Korea.

Russian webdesigner Artemii Lebedev recently visited North Korea, and took these (unauthorized) candid photos of everyday life in the Hermit Kingdom.Link - via Metafilter...

Rare Rhino Caught on Film.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature's motion-triggered camera trap caught sight of this rare rhino in the jungles of Borneo:The rhino is believed to be one of a population of just 13 whose existence was...

Bubble Ring.

We've featured a dolphin and a beluga whale blowing bubble rings before on Neatorama - it turns out that this guy in Japan can do it too!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] via TV in Japan...

Become Magneto with Magnet Implants.

A curious new trend in body modification is implanting magnet in a finger. Apparently, this gives the "implantee" a new sense of being able to "feel" electromagnetic fields.According...

Lucky Hamster Survived Industrial Shredder.

Mike the Hamster is probably the luckiest hamster alive today: he survived an industrial shredder!The rodent is thought to have got into a skip of rubbish that was taken to Recyclo recycling plant in...

Aymara People: Backs to the Future.

We think it's natural to base our perception of time on our body's orientation and locomotion: we place the future ahead of us and the past behind us.It turns out that this isn't universal: for the Aymar...

Da Vinci's Mechanical Hammer Paper Model.

This is a paper model of da Vinci's mechanical hammer: This is one of the simplest machines designed by Leonardo in order to improve the human performance. A lever connected to the hammer is moved by...

Lyrebird, Master of Mimicry.

To impress potential female mates, the male Lyrebird can immitate the songs of 20 other bird species, and other sounds like camera shutter, car alarm, chainsaws, and so on! BTW, that's David Attenborough, not h...

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