The Girl Who Eats Dirt.

Baobao, an 18-year-old girl from Inner Mongolia, has been eating dirt for 11 years!

She said that she now preferred the taste of yellow mud, as it did not contain sand or tree debris.

During the interview, Baobao estimated she had eaten about three tons of soil since she was first stricken by the urge to eat earth.

Baobao's addiction has had serious implications for her neighbour's roof, made from mud which is traditionally used as a weather resistant material.

According to CCTV, the young woman could not stop eating the roof and the neighbour's house is now almost demolished.


I have known at least two people who also ate dirt or something similar that is not considered edible, like laundry starch. It is disease caused by a lack of some nutrient in the body. I forget the name of it, but it is common, and doctors could cure it if it were presented to them.
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Dirt eating is rather common...more so in poorer rural areas. I remember seeing a report a few years ago about stores selling koalin, a while dirt/clay, in poor rural areas of Georgia. Here's a link to a CDC explanation
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the fortean times just did an article on geophagy.
It is more common in the southern staes of the US.
Something to do with a paucity of key minerals in the diet.
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Some people even eat raw rice, like my best friend does. But i think he eats it because he believes it tastes good...and he likes the crunchy taste of potato chips.
Is that considered PICA?
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