Oppression of the 'Fro.

Dave Jurgenson, a disabled student has accussed Reading Borough Council for failing his cultural needs because they don't allow him more time to care for his Afro.

Mr Jurgenson’s concerns have been echoed by a race relations expert, who claims the council is being too slow to respond.

The 26-year-old, who suffers from severe cerebral palsy, said more time should be allocated to care for his distinctive Afro-style hair.

He said: “They don’t give me the hours to braid my hair and wash and plait it. If I am invited to go somewhere special I can’t go with a big Afro.

“It’s a matter of grooming. And every time you go to church you want to be able to look your best. If I was in a care home they would do something about it.

Corrected Link (via Nothing to do with Arbroath)

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