Archive for May 12th, 2006

Jason Kronenwald's Gum Blondes.

Jason has a weird choice of media for his artwork: chewing gum on plywood. From the website:Each Gum Blonde is 100% chewed bubblegum on a plywood backing. No paint or dye is used. The colo...

Top 10 Strangest Watch by TechEBlog.

TechEBlog has compiled its Top 10 Strangest Watches. This one above is Louis Vuitton Twilight Watch, which features: 46 flourescent blue sapphires on a mother of pearl dial to create a bea...

Dutch Store Hema Celebrates Its 10,000th Shoplifter.

Dutch Store Hema celebrates its 10,000th shoplifter. YouTube user FatAlbert420 translates:'kan je het zien' [can you see it?]'die daar' [that one]'kijk, kijk, gaat ze' [look, look, there sh...

Making Light Go Backward.

(photo credit: University of Rochester)Robert Boyd of University of Rochester, New York, and colleagues had accomplished something very strange: they managed to send light backwards! In th...

Judson Laipply's The Evolution of Dance.

Neatorama reader Loopy Loo (hi Loopy!) suggested that we take a look at Judson's dance routine: Inspirational Comedian Judson Laipply is the creator/dancer of the “Evolution of Dance...

Oppression of the 'Fro.

Dave Jurgenson, a disabled student has accussed Reading Borough Council for failing his cultural needs because they don't allow him more time to care for his Afro. Mr Jurgenso...

Cat Smith's Gothic Barbie Bridal Cake.

Cat explains how to make this gothic Barbie bridal cake: First thing to do is prepare the Barbie. I used Gel pens, but you can really use any art supplies you are comfortable...

Corbett Griffith's Tire Man Sculpture.

Corbett got a school assignment to create a sculpture, so he went to a junkyard to find some tires ... See the "build log": Link...

Wayne Harris' Illustrations.

Ahoy, landlubbers! These characters of Wayne Harris be o-the finest quality, so weigh anchor to his website right now for a merry yarn or ye be wantin' me to get me hook, savvy ye scallawags?...

Rungwecebus kipunji, a New Monkey Genus.

Tim Davenport of the Wild Conservation Society and colleagues in Tanzania, Africa, just discovered a new genus of monkey - the first in 83 years! Known locally as Kipunji, it stands at abou...

Chewy Has a Blog.

Everyone on the darned Interweb has got a blog, including Chewy (What are they doing on the photo above anyway? Wait, don't answer that!)Link (via Winkles)...

Jesus in Asparagus Fern Roots.

Martin Gregory was enjoying a Sunda morning gardening when he found the face of Jesus in the roots of his asparagus fern! "The roots are fantastic. You can actually make out a thorn cr...

Electric Cinderella Shoes.

Gizmag has an interesting article about an electric Cinderella shoes with built-in stun gun! The Electric Cinderella shoes idea began as part of Simona Brusa Pasque's thesis at the Interact...

Garnet Hertz' Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot.

Garnet has this to say about his RoachBot: "Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental mechanism that uses a living Madagascan hissing cockroach atop a modified trackb...

Juza Nature Photography.

This one above is a Mandarin duck - amazing color, isn't it? See more of Juza's photos: (via Ursi's Blog)...

Plasma Table.

From the website:A dust cloud of silicon micro-spheres that was illuminated by laser light scattering from the cloud is suspended in a plasma. The dust cloud is approximate...

Titan: A View from Huygens.

In this 4 minutes and 40 seconds movie released in January 2005 by ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, you can see the Huygens probe plunging through Titan's thick orange-brown atmosphere to...

Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Sold for $11.7 Million.

Andy Warhol's "Small Torn Campbell's Soup Can (Pepper Pot)", a hand-painted work from 1962 showing a large soup can with torn label (duh!) was sold for $11.7 million at...

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