On Good Friday, Filipino Catholic devotees in Lenten, Philippines were nailed to the cross (for real) in an annual ritual. From the website:
http://www.boston.com/news/world/asia/articles/2006/04/14/filipino_devotees_nailed_to_the_cross/ |
On Good Friday, Filipino Catholic devotees in Lenten, Philippines were nailed to the cross (for real) in an annual ritual. From the website:
http://www.boston.com/news/world/asia/articles/2006/04/14/filipino_devotees_nailed_to_the_cross/ |
Only Christ's sacrifice can save...period.
By doing what they're doing, they unwittingly mock the ultimate gift.
Nowhere did the apostles or early Christians do this
because they understood both the sacrifice and the communion. They also understood that Christ alone was worthy of this sacrifice.
This primitive scenario where "traditions of men" overshadow Christ's teachings is just sad. Too often, traditions and holidays usurp the commandment of God...Jesus railed against such things, yet preachers often ignore truth in favor of the "feel good" religious aspects.
It's ok though, they'll get a chance to rectify their
ignorance when we come into the millennium of teaching and rule...
we all have lots to learn.
Yep Jeff...right on brother...
It's sacreligious commercialism when you peek under the hood and keep your eyes and ears open at one of these bloodfests. You would be surprised at the fakery involved, like "nails" with huge heads for the front page photo, but with thumbtack-size pins behind. Also they stand on platforms hidden by costumes. No one ever dies, it's all a play for parking space rentals, sidewalk vendors, and "license fees" to foreign media eager for a scoop shot.