Archive for March 29th, 2006

Exploring a Nike Missile Bunker.

From Underground Ozark's note on the urban exploration of Nike KC-30 missile silo in Pleasant Hill, Missouri: Without getting specific, we found a non-damaging way to get down into one of...

Ghost Town: Chernobyl Photoblog by Elena Filatova.

Back in 2004, Elena gained Internet fame (and notoriety) for posting photos of the abandoned town of Pripyat, Ukraine, where the Chernobyl nuclear reactor is located.At first, Elena's website...

Rat Brain Has a Micro-Topographic Map of Rat's Whiskers.

Mark Andermann and Christopher Moore of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT discovered an "exquisite micro-map of the brain. It's the size of the period at the e...

Denver Public Library's eFlicks Service.

Neatorama reader Hubs wrote:Hip hip hurray for the Denver Public Library! Today DPL becomes the first public library in the nation to begin a new eFlicks service (which is now ava...

Ana Fakin's Dog Singing.

Ana Fakin made this funny movie of her dog Shiva singing Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom) by Perry Como and Ray Charles Singers. (T...

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