Abdul Rahman, a 41-year-old Afghan man, is facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity!
Rahman, a father of two, was arrested last week and is now awaiting trial for rejecting Islam. He told local police, whom he approached on an unrelated matter, that he had converted to Christianity. Reports say he was carrying a Bible at the time.
"They want to sentence me to death, and I accept it," Rahman told reporters last week, "but I am not a deserter and not an infidel."
The Afghan constitution, which is based on Sharia, or Islamic law, says that apostates can receive the death penalty.
Representative Tom Lantos said it best:
"In a country where soldiers from all faiths, including Christianity, are dying in defense of your government, I find it outrageous that Mr. Rahman is being prosecuted and facing the death penalty for converting to Christianity," Lantos wrote.
The international and US pressure will certainly keep this guy from being sentenced to death.
The thing is, even "moderate" clerics (some are even jailed in the past for opposing the Taliban regime, according to NRR) are calling for his executions!
You've got to be joking! What the heck are we doing in Afghanistan if we let something like this happen? Are we just removing one repressive form of government to allow another to take it's place? This is an atrocity of epic proportions. American soldiers are dying over there for the freedom of the Afghan people. If America lets this happen I think it is time for the American people to question the goals of the American government concerning, not just Afghanistan but Iraq and the rest of the Middle East.
The thing is, even "moderate" clerics (some are even jailed in the past for opposing the Taliban regime, according to NRR) are calling for his executions!
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