Six Stroke Engine.

Bruce Crower has developed something that may change the auto industry forever: a six-stroke engine.

“It’ll run for an hour and you can literally put your hand on it. It’s warm, yeah, but it’s not scorching hot. Any conventional engine running without a water jacket or fins, you couldn’t do that.”

Indeed, the test unit has no external cooling system—no water jacket, no water pump, no radiator; nothing. It does retain fins because it came with them, but Crower indicates the engine would be more efficient if he took the trouble to grind them off. He has discarded the original cooling fan.

Link (via Gear6)

Comments (17)

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sir,I am a mechanl engineering student,i developed a concept on turbo charged six stroke engine.Air is used as a secondery fuel,turbo is used for better compression of the air before entering the combustion chamber,i want your help for making thg engine because i have some boubts one some of the practical aspects,like turbo charger
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Respected Sir,
1. I am a final year student of automobile engg.I am working on reducing the size of 4 stroke engines.
2. I was extremly happy to see that you have already patented for six stroke engine. which reduces the size of engine and also fuel efficient.
3. Sir, if you can kindly send me the working principle of this engine with few working videos ,ill be extremly happy for your kindness.
4. Ill keep you updated over my project.

Thanking you
Sachin N
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