Archive for March 11th, 2006

Nepal Buddha Boy Missing.

We've blogged Ram Banjan (also spelled Bamjan), a teenage boy dubbed "Boy Buddha of Nepal", and the controvery surrounding his meditation.Now, Ram has suddenly gone misi...

Jason Garfield Juggles.

Checkout the pictures and video clips of Jason Garfield pulling some of the hardest juggling moves. (via Cynical-C Blog)...

Galleria Carnivora.

A fantastic collection of carnivorous plants photography: Link (via Corsinet)...

Secret of Staying Young: Photoshop!

How does Madonna stay oh-so-young? Simple: photoshop. (via City Rag)...

A Better Mousetrap?

Chris Glass explains how to catch a mouse without a mousetrap, using only a toilet paper tube and some bait. Link (via Eric Zorn's Change of Subject)...

DNA Can Predict Your Name.

Mark Jobling of the University of Leicester and colleagues discovered that - although not perfect, DNA can predict surname of male suspects: The researchers extrapolated thei...

Google Maps Galore.

Ah, what people can do with Google Maps. Did you know there are speed-dating, bed & breakfast, beer breweries, world volcano, and ufo maps?Checkout a blog dedicated to finding the best of G...

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