Larry Earley's 1,100-lb Hog.

Larry shot this hog in Lake County, Florida with a .44 magnum!

The hog was too big for scales that were available to me on a Friday evening (500 lb. scales), so we decided to let the processor estimate the weight for us. Smokin' Oak Sausage Co. in Branford, F,L did the processing for me and he put the weight between 1100 and 1200 lbs. The tusk on the right side was 8-1/4" above the gum line and the right tusk was broken and measured 5" above the gum. The hide with the head was weighed at 284 lbs. The taxidermist I am using measured the neck at 42" around and the length from his eye socket to the tip of his nose at 11-3/4".

Link (Thanks Kandra!)

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I'll have you know-mabel-you spelled "slaughtering" wrong. Besides-peoples opinions differ on what is "neat". What other people think is neat or not may not match yours but people are entitled to their own opinion. You probably sit at home looking through People magazine and obsess over these bum celebraties and you probably think it's fascinating-and another thing-if it's so revolting then why are you looking at this?? If what my father shot bothers you so much then DON'T LOOK AT IT!! It's as simple as that! Get over yourself and your own opinions.
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Mabel, you'd be singing a different tune if our world were to change and you had to hunt to survive...not sure if you would -- people like Larry WILL. In my family, we were taught like our ancestors...take what you need, use all you take...Larry did a FINE job. You'd also sing a different tune if one of these were chasing you...and that THEY WILL.
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Nice shooting Larry! They are a huge epidimic in my state of Texas and since the French *go figure* explorer let them run wild in the early 1600's they have now nearly over ran this state and they cause millions of dollars to crops a year, the same crops that produce salad for Mabel Ho's vegetarian diet. Two words Mabel. Bye Bye!
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Larry...Great job. I have to tell you, I live in Orlando and I have SEEN a few of those hogs around. Nasty bastards. Glad you killed that sucker!
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