Archive for March 6th, 2006

Sean Kenney's Lego Homer.

Sean built this 4-feet tall Lego Homer from about 10,000 lego bricks - Homer can even hold a real beer with his right hand!Link | See also: Eric Harshbarger's Lego Bart...


From the website:The serpent-like animal was found six metres offshore, bringing to at least six the number of oarfish that have washed up on the West Australian coast in recent months. Prefering to live in the...

Larry Earley's 1,100-lb Hog.

Larry shot this hog in Lake County, Florida with a .44 magnum! The hog was too big for scales that were available to me on a Friday evening (500 lb. scales), so we decided to let the proce...

Licensed to Kill.

Neatorama reader Osama bin Login wrote: This corporate lawyer (with a conscience and a heart and a sense of ivic responsibility) basically set up this corporation to show that a corporation...

Bonobo, the Endangered "Hippie" Chimps.

From the website:"Bonobos are an icon for peace and love, the world's 'hippie chimps,"' said Sally Coxe of the Washington-based Bonobo Conservation Initiative. "...

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