Dog Carts.
VixensMistress has a cool collection of dog cart photos and pictures, some depicting dog carts from as early as 1340 AD. Link (via The Presurfer)... has a cool collection of dog cart photos and pictures, some depicting dog carts from as early as 1340 AD. Link (via The Presurfer)... 2001, BMW produced a series of five short films for Internet release. They all star English actor Clive Owens (who wasn't well known in the US back then) and of course, BMW car... ancient Banaue rice terraces in the Philippines are being destroyed. By giant worms. Cut into near-vertical slopes by the Ifugao people of northern Luzon, the water-filled... Huettel and colleagues at Duke University discovered that people use different areas of their brain when deciding things that are ambiguous and things that are risky. &q...'s right - that's a sweater made from handspun labrador hair, made by Patty Lee. Chiengora (pronounced she-an-gora) is the name people are using for dog hair. Chien is Fre... through your regular alarm clock? You This alarm clock pops up four puzzle pieces and won't turn off until you put it back together. Turns out, even this simple puzzle is...