Archive for February 16th, 2006

Children's Perceptions of Scientists, Before & After Meeting Them.

What do seventh graders think of scientists before and after they meet a real one at the Fermilab?Link (via Metafilter)...

Is Your Printer Spying On You?

Yes, your printer is spying on you, says the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).In a purported effort to identify counterfeiters, the US government has succeeded in persuading some color lase...

Assassin Spider.

Assassin Spider. Charles Griswold of the California Academy of Sciences and Hannah Wood of the San Francisco State University discovered 9 new species of the aptly named Assassin spiders, whic...

Joris Laarman's Radiator.

Who says radiators have to be boring? Checkout this artful Droog Design's version: Link (you may have to hunt around a little bit)...

Afgans Love Dog Fights.

Luke Powell took a series of amazing photos on Afghanistan, but this one caught my attention:Dog Fights are a popular sport in Afghanistan. Dogs fight to settle dominance, and...

Toads Evolve Long Legs to Better Invade Australia.

Cane toads are a bane for Australians since they were brought over from Hawaii to control pest beetles (turns out the toads were an even bigger problem!).Scientists perplexed by t...

Nissan Terranaut.

Checkout Nissan's new Star Trek inspired concept car, the Terranaut. Link...

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