Totoro Cat Bus!
I guess this guy is really into My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro)!... guess this guy is really into My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro)!... the website: Kanjana Ketkaew, 36, left, holds and is covered with scopions next to her 29-year-old fiance Bunthawee Sengwong. Kanjana holds a world record for staying in... a 1952 issue of Popular Mechanics, here's how to make your own iron, er wooden lung: INTENDED only for emergency use until a commercial respirator could be obtained, this... Blake Oshiro of Hawaii was shocked - shocked! - to find out that the humuhumunukunukuapuaa or humuhumu for short, is no longer the official state fish. In 1984 the state... President Evo Morales sparked an "Evo Fashion" trend with his signature red, white, and blue striped alpaca sweater. The sweater is all the rage on the Net, says Reuters.Evo... Flack, David Krakauer of the Santa Fe Institute and colleagues discovered that monkey has a complex "voting" system to appoint monkey cops to police their group.... Huang's Steam Tank. Checkout I-Wei's awesome homemade radio controlled steam-powered toys! Link (via Jaf Project)...