Soccer parents booked a hotel for Disney's Soccer Showcase and were shocked to find out that the hotel was also hosting an adult swingers New Year's Party at the same time.
The families said the sexually adventurous partygoers sometimes flashed breasts and bare buttocks in front of the children as they sashayed through the hotel atrium. The parents described the dress at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Airport in Orlando as "raunchy, despicable and worse than prostitutes."
"The kids could see through the glass atrium into the ballroom where naked people were dancing," said Rob Young, of Greenville, S.C. "There were exposed breasts, thongs and see-through dresses on women who were not wearing any underwear."
Oh, sigh. Another post where people are going to be like "ohmigawd, they're so uptight!!!" and laugh at the foolish, backward, and idiotic notion that some parents' cares about such things might possibly be legitimate. Go ahead. Have at it. Take all the cheap shots you want. I hope you find it gratifying. Do you need help patting yourself on the back for your tolerance and open-mindedness and love of diversity while you're at it? I mean, so long as your attitudes on tolerance and open-mindedness and diversity refer to how many different ways people have sex and glorify sex and do everything else thinking about and showing off sex and what they think of sex and how much they want sex and how willing they are to have sex and so on- as opposed to tolerance or consideration for people who have opinions about the existance of Right and Wrong, and about how to raise children so that they're not sex-obsessed maniacs or something. Because after all, every *rational* and open-minded parent takes their kid to strip clubs as soon as they're old enough to walk, don't they?
Excuse me. Do I sound bitter and angry? I'm sorry. Most readers probably don't nead this sort of retort, and don't deserve being exposed to such bitterness, and it's probably unwarranted. If I sound like I'm overreacting, I probably am- this isn't strictly directed at this site in particular.
In any event... this really does smack of incompetence on the part of the hotel.
Comments (4)
As evidence, I refer you to pretty much anyone brought up in a convent.
Excuse me. Do I sound bitter and angry? I'm sorry. Most readers probably don't nead this sort of retort, and don't deserve being exposed to such bitterness, and it's probably unwarranted. If I sound like I'm overreacting, I probably am- this isn't strictly directed at this site in particular.
In any event...
this really does smack of incompetence on the part of the hotel.