Faroe Islands, located halfway between Iceland and Norway, is usually an idyllic and very scenic place. Except when it's time for Grindadráp, a controversial whaling event where pilot whales are herded onto the beach and then culled. Whether you agree with whaling or not, you'll find these pictures noteworthy. Link to Mario Paoluzzo's images (via growabrain) | Wikipedia entry |
It saddens me that there is no text anywhere to explain this phenomenon. It might look brutal, but is, nevertheless, as humain as it possibly can get. These whales die within one or two seconds - and every aspect of the killing is highly controlled.
Only certified men with experience are allowed to kill the whales. There is absolutely no waste of any kind, 100% of the whale is being used. No part of the whale is being sold, it is all free for whomever would like it...i.e. this is not commercial whaling - none of it is being exported or sold in any way.
This kind of hunting is extremely well coordinated and regulated, a lot of the time, whales are being driven back out to sea (so as not to get stranded on the beaches). The Faroese people put a lot of effort into conserving the population of these whales.
Let the islanders kill whales - its only thier buissness !
Love to humans
Svenning Svenningsen
Love to humans
I could understand You if you had whales flying in your bedroom !
Oskar Kovacs of Budapest
Huge differance!
first I want to request excuses for my poor english because i'm just learning. I my english class we are discussing about the haunting of whales in faroe island and i really don't what believe because some text say that is a cruel haunting and other that is neccesary for faroese........ i want know the true.
that`s a worst habbit..
if you wanna killed just kill your self!!!
biadab manusia hanya bisa membunuh dan membunuh... tidak bisa menjaga alamnya!!! maka pantas saja bencana alam terus terjadi!!
Indonesia have a lot of tribe and culture and there still far away from technology and education, some tribe just know that they have to hunting for living. So it's different from Faroese cases.
But once again if Martin said is true "This kind of hunting is extremely well coordinated and regulated, a lot of the time, whales are being driven back out to sea (so as not to get stranded on the beaches). The Faroese people put a lot of effort into conserving the population of these whales", i hope the Faroese people decrease the number of whale.
Anyway, I think that we have to respect the opinion from Martin, who admits that he is a Faroese. He is supposed to know better about his homeland than any of us.
FYI, some tribe in Indonesia also have tradition of whale hunting.
It is still fine as far as you don't start using modern fleet and make is as industry.
That's really a massive blood. Will it disturb the ocean ecosystem?
Well, i am dont agree with killing so many whales like that. If is it for tradition, then 3-5 should be enough..
Are they really for tradition? not for industry? cuz i know whales are expensive...
If you (Faroese) really want to conserve the population of the whales, why don't you donate it to some country for "Sea World Zoo" or something? Well we, Indonesian, only have small variety of whales, so its better to have more in our zoo. Don't you think?
I hope Free Willy doesn't get killed... hiks..hiks..
The citizens of the Faroe Islands do not have EU citizenship. Faroe Islands declined to join the EU when Denmark joined.
Sad its that you support this.. You try to justified this saying that the whales die within one or two seconds? DONT LIE!!! You know perfectly that the whales DONT DIE WITHIN SECONDS!!! The suffer much more than seconds and minutes.. How you would feel if they do the same with you? And before you die, you see how your family are brutal killed? How Martin, how you would feel...
Only certified mens with experience are allowed to kill the whales.. WHERE THEY TAKE THE EXPIERIENCE?? And certified mens??? In Faroe Islands exist a University to learn how to kill.. They will become a diplom? Pff.. Certified men.. They just want to know who have the bigger eggs.. Really, this people make me so sick!!
Dont try to justified this telling that this is not commercial whaling.. What instead?? Sport??
I know very much about this, dont try to lie to the people who havent idea..
Another great way to alert people to cases of cruelty to animals is to send letters to the editors of local newspapers and magazines. One letter from you can educate thousands of readers at once!
For letter-writing tips, visit http://www.PETA.org/actioncenter/letter-writing-guide.asp, and for information to include in your letter, please see http://www.FishingHurts.com.
Please urge the prime ministers of the Faroe Islands and Denmark and the High Commissioner of the Faroe Islands to take strong positions against this cruel whale slaughter.
Please send polite comments to:
His Excellency Jóannes Eidesgaard
Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands
Prime Minister's Office
FO-110 Tórshavn
P.O. Box 64
Faroe Islands
+298 351010
+298 351015 (fax)
His Excellency Anders Fogh Rasmussen
Prime Minister of Denmark
The Prime Minister's Office
Prins Jørgens Gård 11
1218 Copenhagen K
+45 33 92 33 00
+45 33 11 16 65 (fax)
The Honorable Dan M. Knudsen
High Commissioner of the Faroe Islands
Amtmansbrekkan 6
FO-110 Tórshavn
P.O. Box 12
Faroe Islands
+298 351300
I do not agree with commercial hunting and I think it should be banned by all contries because there is no need to slaughter these animals. In Faroe it's a tradition and I can only understand this killing if you tell me it's a way not forgetting how it is done (because in the future who knows how things will be?), so, killing 1 or 2 whales is more than enough, don't you think?
I also agree it is hyprocritical to say killing whales is wrong when cows, chickens, deer, pigs, ducks, sheep, goats etc etc are killed by the billions every day and poeple eat them and get upset if you say it wrong or unethiical. It is wrong to kill and eat ANY ANIMAL.
BB i going to sleep
It's ok, we'll eat them afterwards and make trophies out of their bones.
We won't make them extinct, we'll leave enough there to enable us to come back and hunt them again next year.
I'm being ironic of course, but I hope the point comes across. Pilot whales are a type of dolphin. Dolphins are the second most intelligent life form on this planet, even more intelligent that previously thought. We wouldn't slaughter chimpanzees or apes in this way, just because they look more like us.
But more or less i dont think anyone would give a fuck if a someone would drop a bomb on Faroe Islands.
warum geht niemand hin um diese leute für immer hinter gitter zu bringen... wenn die meinen sie könnten männer werden weil sie delphine killen.. dann sollten sie mal an einem platz gebracht werden wo man mann sein muss um zu existieren... sperrt sie ein ... an dem richtigen platz.
I'm going to organise a bunny beating. With hundreds of people looking, with a couple of guys I'm going to bat the living daylight out of 643 bunnies. In a humane way, of course.
Is it different than killing a fly or a germ on your teeth while brushing your teeth? Probably not.
But when I bat 643 bunnies to death YOU KNOW I'M A DICK!