Archive for December 21st, 2005

Twice The Chance to Get Hooked.

Clarence Olberding caught a very unusual fish out of Holmes Lake, Nebraska. This fish didn't have a chance. A rainbow trout pulled out of Holmes Lake last weekend had double t...

Redneck Space Shuttle.

Checkout Dave Lilligren's other hilarious Redneck stuff: Link...

MIT's Robosnail.

MIT professor Anette "Peko" Hosoi and colleagues developed Robosnail, a robot that moves like a snail! It can even crawl on vertical walls and cross ceilings.Link to...

Jim Needham's Balancing Rocks.

Jim Needham of Carmel, California, is a master rock stacker. As he places a heavy boulder on top of the rocks that are stacked, all the rocks begin shifting under the added w...

Dave Gorman's Balancing Pebbles.

Dave Gorman, on the other hand, balances pebbles! Link (Thanks Thomas!)...

Siemen's Super Fast CT Scan.

Siemen's Somatom Definition CT scan machine can take a complete scan from head to toe in less time it takes for a human heart to beat!Link...

Alex Von de Rostyne's Pixelito.

Alexander Von de Rostyne built this tiny radio-controlled helicopter called Pixelito. It weighs in at a mere 6.9 grams (0.2 oz)!

Mighty Mouse Robot Freed a Stuck Radiation Source.

Sandia National Laboratories' robot, dubbed M2 for the cartoon character "Mighty Mouse" successfully freed a radiation source (the size of a restaurant salt shaker) at t...

Pimp My Dump Truck.

See more pics of pimped dump trucks: Link (via Fawn Jotter)...

Radio Controlled Human.

Researchers at the Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp., Japans has developed a headgear to control human movements, using a technology sinisterly called galvanic vestibular sti...

Brent Curry's Couch Bike.

You can even rent this Couchbike at Brent Curry's Bicycle Forest:

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