If Fox News Had Been There ...

This website asks "What if Fox News had been there for other key moments in World History?" This is what they imagined: Link

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I've had the fortunate chance to see how other countries portray news. American news channels definitely are more prone to scaremongering, especially during sweep weeks!
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Here in Australia the only time we see Fox News is on our comedy shows! Mind you what we see of the other American News services is pretty sad. Funny, because your writers and magazines (conservative and liberal) are often so incisive and thought provoking.
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Yeah all those other outlets are slanted. also slanted:
doctors, teachers, scientists, economists, academics, first responders, and the rest of the FREAKING PLANET.

So if you want real objective thinking, trust Bush and Fox News. Number one with middle management, the religious right, and Earl the creepy barber.
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The fear and loathing of the Left for one TV network that doesn't toe the propaganda line like the rest is instructive.

Fox's huge audience is a consequence of its presentation of an alternative to the mainstream, and groupthinkers hate that.
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Blacknimbus, you don't have to be a republican to dislike Bush. Hello, 37% approval rating? So we are by no means a minority. And frankly, I disapprove of all major media networks.
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