Anti Car Jacking Flame Thrower Car Mod.

OK - this is an oldie, but it's a goodie: Charles Fourie of South Africa invented a flamethrower that blasts a jet of fire at would-be car jacker. Link

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Dealing with people irrational and in a state where they have intentions by any means necessary to take your car, whether to kill you and the passengers or to at least injure you. To come up with this revolutionary technology to make thieves more aware of the consequence for their actions by the daily driver fills a man with more fear than i think the law does in a lot of terms.

This reduces the problems at large with criminal actions, the humanitarian side of things only seems to permit the allowance of innocent people to be killed. Though I am going to agree that this will KILL the innocent though, it will lead to the deaths of those people that do not deserve such treatment.

But we must way the good and bad.

Those who use it for purposes of hurting, rather than the defense of themselves. Whose sole intention is to get bystanders to fall in the impaling attacks of such methods should be punished beyond.

We must understand that this will imply a state of fear amongst those people of cars. But with every right there is a wrong. I believe that this is a major right. Few criminals will want to risk this situation, and if do, understand the incredible consequence of their actions and may understand that feeling of hurting others from their own painful situation.

BUT...every person whose thinking of buying one, when going to purchase, should have a criminal background check, any person that pops up on the grid, should not be allowed to purchase this item. Those who do and use it unlawfully (non-self defense situations) should be prosecutes with the greatest prejudice.

Do i sound like Hitler yet? I hope not.

I am just saying, we Americans, take to much for granted, learn nothing from it other than to embellish our own ignorance and stroke our modern day ego. there are to many idiots out there with a gun, this would lower that amount.

This would give those people trying to avoid problems of injustice a chance.
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I've been looking for their website. I don't think they have one... if anyone know anything.. please email to thankss
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