Kung Fu Robot.
"Huitong", a Chinese-made martial arts robot can see, talk, feel force, and also has a sense of balance. It can perform tai chi and saberplay, and of course, kick all of...
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/kung-fu-robot/"Huitong", a Chinese-made martial arts robot can see, talk, feel force, and also has a sense of balance. It can perform tai chi and saberplay, and of course, kick all of...
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/kung-fu-robot/For more balloon creations, see Balloon HQ....
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/now-this-is-balloon-art/In the men's room in Amsterdam's Schiphol International Airport, every urinals have a fly in it - It turns out that the "fly" is not real, it's etched into the porcel...
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/waiter-theres-a-fly-in-my-urinal/Scott Haefner does kite aerial photography. He suspended a camera from a kite and took images shot with a circular fisheye lens. The result? Amazing 360 panoramas you have to see....
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/panoramas/It's a mating orgy of Japanese Beetle. Notice the voyeur on the left :)For amazing bug collection, or if you ever found a weird bug in your yard: Link...
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/23/beetle-sex/For more funny re-imagined romance novel covers, see: Mark Longmire Does Romance Novels....