No matter where you live, you're bound to hear som... ...little insane to do an article with all the urban legends from all the cities in America, this collection o... America, this collection of the scariest urban legends from each state is filled with delightfully terri... ...l. And, of course, like m..., the creatures are mythical and these stories are from real life -but that doesn't mean the creatures that were found were what they were reported to be. These fairly modern accounts from various sources are either... title of this gallery is 10 Cryptids More Terrifying than the Mongolian Death Worm. However, it does have an entry on the Mongolian death worm, and I find the illustration of the Jersey Devil to be something other th... legends and traditions of storybook giants have some basi... Chinese legends say that hell, or diyu, is an unground maze with... you look hard enough, even the most outland... ...If you look hard enough, even the most outlandish legends have a grain of truth somewhere. Reports from ant... following is an article from Uncle John's Endlessly Engrossing Bathroom Reader. You've heard of Bigfoot, Nessie, and the Abominable Snowman. Here are a few of their more obscure (but just as fascinating) cousins.... are familiar with leprechauns, although the American version from the Lucky Charms package isn't quite the original. There are plenty of other creatures from Irish folklore you can learn about in this list. Have you e...