Engineer and madman Colin Furze (previously) had plenty of spare time during lock...'s 2020, and we were supposed to have flying car... ...least flying hover boards by now. Crazy inventor Colin Furze (previously) took matters into his own hands to m... are designed with portability in mind,... ...e has been straight out of luck.But then inventor Colin Furze realized he had the same dream and decided to do... inventor Colin Furze (previously) has built such a reputation that now... The car is an ad for Google, so they provide Furze with the raw materials for the hot tub car.[https... ...] (YouTube link)Watch Furze drive around, splashing h... inventor and madman Colin Furze knows the power of explosions in making a viral v... ...YouTube link)Actually, this stunt is to celebrate Furze achieving five million YouTube subscribers. Congr... ...ive million YouTube subscribers. Congratulations, Colin ! May you sur... would bother making a souped-up bumper car? Wh... ...d bother making a souped-up bumper car? Why, it's Colin Furze , of course! He installed a 600cc motorcycle engin... ...two videos. -via Tastefully Offensive See more of Furze 's insane projects here. inventor Colin Furze (previously at Neatorama) built a Star Wars playh... inventor Colin Furze was tired of missing deliveries to his house, sin... -via Tastefully Offensive See also: More from Colin Furze . inventor Colin Furze (previously at Neatorama) has to stretch his imag... and crazy man Colin Furze has built himself a dual-rotor hovercraft out of...