Playing The Viral Market

How good are you are predicting viral videos? Do you also happen to enjoy the stock market? Then you will love the Viral Video eXchange - an online stock market game. You can view trending videos, buy stock in videos, spend and earn (fake) money, and so on. I personally just bought 100 shares of Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix with William Shatner.

The game is the creation of Dave Ganly, a 31-year-old Irishman who settled in London four years ago. “I wanted to make a throwback to web based games like the BBC's Celebdaq, which I played in college,” he said in an email interview with the Dot. “I love viral video as well, and was annoyed at the poor quality of discovery of really original viral content (as opposed to just 'what had a million views yesterday’).”

“The game has two major 'goals' from a player perspective – one is to finish an in-game story that reveals itself as players become more wealthy … and the other is to hit the overall target of one million voins. Like lots of games of this type, having seriously rich users (e.g. people on one million + voins) would cause too much imbalance, so players are awarded a final in-game achievement and reset to one thousand voins.”

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