Cannabis Under The Microscope

Neatorama is happy to bring you some of the interesting images from the book Cannabis Under The Microscope: A Visual Exploration of Medicinal Sativa and C. Indica by Ford McCann. The ebook is available for all Kindle devices and applications from Amazon.

You’ve seen plenty of pictures of marijuana buds, plants, and crops on the web. Ford McCann wanted a closer look, down to the microscopic level. Images at that level are amazingly otherworldly, definitely artistic, and well worth sharing. The 170 images in the book were taken over the course of a year with both optical microscopes and electron scanning microscopes.

These are only a few of the 170 pictures in the book. Cannabis Under The Microscope: A Visual Exploration of Medicinal Sativa and C. Indica by Ford McCann. is available in ebook form from Amazon.

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