For the 49th year in a row, Nikon is recognizing o... ...ou are looking at is the optic nerve of a rodent. Fluorescent dye shows the astrocytes in yellow, the contracti... ...e shows the astrocytes in yellow, the contractile proteins in red, and the retinal vasculature in green. Got...<p><span style="background-c... ...o;recycles’ organic polymers into different proteins . These building blocks within organic polymers ar... ...tists involved in the study were able to turn the proteins from silk into green fluorescent protein , which is...<p>Plants, like humans, catch diseas... ...hat conduct photosynthesis. That gene expresses a fluorescent protein in response to the presence of reactive oxygen sp..., this in turn causes it to produce more of the fluorescent protein – so the more stressed the plant is, the br... ...the more... know how some insects, fungi, and sea creatures... ...ientists have experimented for years to introduce fluorescent proteins into plants, or to get plants to combine certain...<p>Our high school textbooks about b..., a cell is genetically modified to produce a fluorescent protein that attaches itself to specific subcellular stru... ...tructures, like mitochondria or microtubules. The fluorescent protein glows when the cell is illuminated by a certain w... sixth annual Nikon Small World in Motion Photo... ...rvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts, USA A fluorescent dextran dye is injected into circulation, which s... ...omac, Maryland, USA Self-organization of purified proteins important in bacterial cell division Total Intern... ...lle, Massachusetts,... beautiful closeup of the eye of a honeybee won top honors today at the annual Nikon Small World competition. The contest honors the beauty and technical skill shown in the tiniest parts of our world found through micro...[] 2013 Small... ...ure this pattern formation by using green and red fluorescent proteins . The details, as you can imagine, is quite compli... following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... ...ed them into goats, which then produce spider web proteins in their milk, which can in turn then (theoretica... ...rchers did, which made the mice glow green under fluorescent lighting. Fluorescent mice. (Image credit:... Copfer is both a microbiologist and an art... ...d by the work of Eduardo Kac and his GFP (Glowing Fluorescent Protein ) rabbit named Alba.Copfer created his own “...