Some Of The Wackiest Urinal Designs From Around The World
When an establishment decides to go with an overall theme they like to make sure the theme runs through the entire place, including the bathrooms.
Making the bathroom fit the theme might entail hanging some fun pictures on the walls, or adding dispensers and other machines to give the place that arcade feel.
Or you can just install a urinal shaped like that guy who lurks around and creeps everybody out, like this monstrosity spotted at Universal City Walk in Osaka, Japan.
Maybe your bar is full of musicians and band geeks rather than circus folk?
Install a urinal they'll remember, like these brassy basins found in the Bell Inn in Sussex, England, and patrons will be tooting their horns to everyone they know about your awesome urinals.
And you can still convey a strong theme without going too crazy with your urinal budget, like this guillotine setup found in Rheinfels Castle, Germany that makes you appreciate all that you still have in this world.
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