Ironworkers Leave Messages to Kids in Seattle Hospital
Kids who are staying at Seattle Children's Hospital are finding messages written to them in huge letters when they look outside their windows. Ironworkers assembling the frame of a new building outside the hospital have been spray painting greetings to the kids on steel beams:
Link -via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo: Alan Berner, Seattle Times
And sure enough, there on a reddish-brown beam was a message an ironworker spray-painted only a few days ago. Its big bold letters said simply, "HI JULIAN."
A couple of rooms away, Zac Graling, a 16-year-old being treated for leukemia, looked out at another beam bearing the message, "HI ZAC." [...]
The new building's skeleton is alive with greetings to Kitty, Colby, Kyle and Istvan. To Violet, Seth, Josh and Austin. To Rachel, Adam, Gillie-Jane and Christofer.
"Each day we do another one — at least one," said Tim Hettich, a superintendent with subcontractor The Erection Co., made up of Ironworkers Local 86.
Link -via Ace of Spades HQ | Photo: Alan Berner, Seattle Times
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Comments (1)
Gulliver has completely vanished. Fascinating stuff...