The 1974 film Benji is about a cute stray dog who ends up a hero when he foils a kidnapping plot. A wholesome film about a nondescript dog didn't seem cool in 1974, and producer/writer/director Joe Camp couldn't get any studio interested. But the film was a hit, and spawned four sequels. Now Benji is a beloved childhood memory for Gen X. Let's take a look behind the scenes of Benji.
4. Alfred Hitchcock liked this movie.
It’s hard to imagine Hitchcock sitting down to watch a film about a dog playing hero when you look at all the films he was responsible for and their very different content.
3. Higgins, the dog that played Benji, was buried with his trainer.
More accurately, his ashes were interred within an urn and buried with his trainer. Benji was Higgins’ last movie.
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